Navigating the Product Development Life Cycle | Stage 4: Design Validation (DV)

Image depicting design and user experience testing with the product development life cycle design validation stage

Welcome to our series on the five (5) stages of the Product Development (PD) life cycle. Navigating the complexities of engineering cutting-edge technology throughout the entire product development life cycle, from initial concept to full-scale production, sets a solid foundation for a successful product launch. 

In this series, we highlight the PD engineering journey to describe how integrating our engineering services with Valve Corporation helped them realize their vision to innovate VR gaming hardware to launch the Valve Index VR system. Join us as we explore the progression of the interdependent stages that underpin end-to-end engineering success.

In the previous blog, Stage 3: Engineering Validation, we described the steps to test a fully functional prototype through an engineering validation (EV) process. In this next blog, we look at how to complete final testing for manufacturing readiness through design validation (DV), also called DVT (design validation testing).

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Design Validation: Verifying All Requirements in the Final Form Factor

Design validation (DV) is where the product’s design is analyzed and confirmed to be ready for manufacturing. For Valve Corporation, this phase involved developing the VR hardware in its final form factor, vetting it through user experience and product durability testing. At this stage, we also validate the supply chain for the final assembly. AC’s expertise in design validation ensured that Valve’s product was innovative and manufacturable at scale.

Completing final form factor

Completing a product in its final form factor involves refining the design to ensure it is ready for mass production. AC worked with Valve to finalize the design of their VR hardware, incorporating all necessary components and ensuring they fit seamlessly within the product. This phase involves detailed design work, material selection, and integration of subsystems to create a cohesive and manufacturable product.

Objective: Product design and materials finalized for manufacturing.

Image of Valve Index virtual reality head mounted display

Validating supply chain, quality, and COGS

Image depicting the concept of VR manufacturing and supply chain management factors

Ensuring a reliable supply chain and maintaining high-quality standards are critical for production. AC assisted Valve in validating its supply chain, working with suppliers to ensure component quality and consistency. Conducting a cost of goods sold (COGS) analysis ensures that the product is produced within budget while maintaining high-quality standards.

Objective: Supply chain and COGS analysis completed for manufacturing readiness

Validating design meets requirements

The final design must meet all specified product requirements to deliver the intended user experience. AC conducted thorough testing and validation to confirm that Valve’s VR hardware met all performance, usability, and durability requirements. This phase involves extensive user, environmental, and stress testing to ensure the product’s reliability.

Objective: Final product performance, usability, and durability validated to specifications and requirements.

Test for Design Validation

Implementing quality control plan

A robust quality control plan is essential for maintaining product standards throughout production. AC developed and implemented a comprehensive quality plan for Valve’s VR hardware, outlining procedures for quality control, inspection, and testing. Quality control ensures that every unit produced meets the highest quality and performance standards.

Objective: Quality control defined for performance and manufacturing benchmarks.

flexible circuit board Sensor Bonding and Precision Material Handling

Defining product launch plan

A well-defined product launch plan is critical for a successful market entry. AC collaborated with Valve to develop a comprehensive launch strategy that included sales, marketing, and finance plans. This strategy outlined the steps needed to bring the VR hardware to market, from initial production runs to full-scale manufacturing and distribution.

Objective: Comprehensive strategy defined for smooth product launch, from production to market.

With your design thoroughly validated, are you ready for mass production?

We helped Valve validate the design and quality of its VR hardware, preparing for successful full-scale manufacturing

Ready for the final stage?

Find out about the final steps to guarantee success through production validation (PV).




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